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St. Peter's School 1266 Florida St, San Francisco

  Participe en nuestro taller familiar para conocer las reglas básicas de cómo andar en bicicleta en San Francisco. Habrá dos talleres, uno para adultos o jóvenes mayores de 12 años y otro para niños de edades 2-12 años. No se necesitará tener una bicicleta para participar en los talleres. Se proporcionará...

Learn To Ride

NOW Hunters Point 155 Jennings Street, San Francisco

Y Bike provides bikes and helmets and offers guidance and encouragement for families working together to learn how to ride for the first time.


Training in Safe Crossing Techniques

NOW Hunters Point 155 Jennings Street, San Francisco

Training in Safe Crossing Techniques - The SFMTA, in partnership with Safe Routes to School, will be hosting a training for school communities who are interested in learning how to assist students and the school community in safe crossing while going to and from school.  An SFMTA Field Trainer will...


How to Host a Walking School Bus Training

NOW Hunters Point 155 Jennings Street, San Francisco

  A Walking School Bus is a safe and fun way for children to get physical activity as they travel to and from school with adult supervision.   Studies show that children who walk to school enjoy health benefits and academic advantages, as well as getting more quality bonding time...


Freedom From Training Wheels and How to Host a Bike Train

Playland at 43rd Avenue 1360 43rd Ave, San Francisco

  Join us at Playland at 43rd Avenue for our Freedom from Training Wheels class. This drop-in class is a great way to get kids riding without training wheels. Bring your child’s bike and helmet if you have them. If not, no worries, we have bikes for children aged 2-5. Our instructors...


SF Safe Routes to School Community Safety Training

Redding Elementary 1421 Pine Street, San Franicsco

GAIN SKILLS FOR SAFELY TRAVELING TO AND FROM SCHOOL! Getting into the safety mindset Safety drills Awareness & preparedness Basic personal safety knowledge and skills to ensure safe walking to and from school. ACCESSIBILITY INFORMATION: Redding's main entrance has a wheelchair ramp, and there's an elevator that goes to the...


Walk & Roll Week 2020

Participating in Walk & Roll Week is easy. Ready for Walk & Roll Week? Don’t miss 5 days of fun, easy activities for students to celebrate getting around on 👣🛴🚲 Plus, you can win prizes!  #W2SD #walkandrollsf #IWalkSF #sfpedestrian #kidactivities #getoutside #sfsaferoutes #sfsaferoutestoschool   Students can participate on their own,...

Learn to Ride at Monroe Elementary Shared Schoolyard

Monroe Elementary School 260 Madrid St, San Francisco

Link for tickets will be posted here when registration is live.   Come learn to ride a bike with YBike, the Y of SF's Bike Education Program! We provide bikes, helmets, and equipment – you just bring your game face and a little determination. We're limiting this to 4 kids,...

Freedom From Training Wheels

Daniel Webster 465 Missouri St, San Francisco

Freedom from Training Wheels is a great way to get kids riding without training wheels! This class is for children ages 2-5. We will have pedal bikes, balance bikes, and helmets available for your little one to use (and we will be sanitizing them between students). If you have your...

Freedom From Training Wheels

Redding Elementary 1421 Pine Street, San Franicsco

Freedom from Training Wheels is a great way to get kids riding without training wheels! This class is for children ages 2-5. We will have pedal bikes, balance bikes, and helmets available for your little one to use (and we will be sanitizing them between students). If you have your...

Our Calendar Policy

* Events not officially sponsored or organized by Safe Routes to School are marked with an asterisk. We post events that might be of interest to our SF area members; we do not necessarily endorse any particular group or perspective you may find represented here.
