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Learn to Ride at Francisco Middle School

Link for tickets will be posted here when registration is live. Come learn to ride a bike with YBike, the Y of SF's Bike Education Program! We provide bikes, helmets, and equipment – you just bring your game face and a little determination. We're limiting this to 4 kids accompanied...

Get Out 2.0 Webinar

We invite you, and your community to join us again for our next installment Get Out 2.0. Join our conversation with health and childhood development specialists to discuss how we can get outside, safely. Is it safe to visit the doctor? Is it safe to go to the park? When might...


Regístrese aquí. ¡Hola, padres! ¿Quieres recibir cascos de bicicleta gratuitos para tus hijos? Andar en bicicleta con sus hijos es una de las mejores formas de resolver problemas logísticos mientras hace ejercicio al aire libre y pasa tiempo de calidad con sus pequeños. ¡Realmente no hay una forma más inspiradora y...

Sal Afuera

¡La primavera ya llegó y las escuelas están reabriendo! Padres y cuidadores, aprendan de los expertos cómo su familia puede ir y venir de la escuela de manera segura.   Únase a nuestra conversación en español con especialistas en salud y educación física para hablar sobre cómo caminar, andar en...

SF Bike & Roll Week 2021

The annual celebration will take place citywide May 10-14    The SF Safe Routes to School Partnership is excited to announce our annual SF Bike & Roll Week celebration, May 10-14. Bike & Roll Week, organized by the SF Bicycle Coalition, is for students city-wide to celebrate getting around under your...

How to Host a Walking School Bus

Join SF Safe Routes to School and Walk SF for our District 9Walking School bus webinar.  When:Thursday, July 22nd, Time:  5:30 pm - 6:30 PM Zoom Registration link:  Studies show that children who walk to school enjoy health benefits and academic advantages, as well as getting more quality bonding time...

Park & Walk at Crocker Amazon Park

Thinking of driving your kid to school? Join Safe Routes to School for a Park and Walk event. It's easy! Park near the meeting point and avoid drop-off traffic Get some cocoa or a morning treat and say hi to other families Walk your child to the door of the...

Park & Walk at Excelsior Playground

Madrid St & Russia Ave

Thinking of driving your kid to school? Join Safe Routes to School for a Park and Walk event. It's easy! Park near the meeting point and avoid drop-off traffic Get some cocoa or a morning treat and say hi to other families Walk your child to the door of the...

Walk and Roll to School Day

Thousands of students across San Francisco will walk, bike, scoot, and roll to school on Wednesday, October 6. The event builds yearlong excitement around getting to school in people-powered ways that are good for our health, environment, and communities. How It Works: SFUSD Elementary Schools Get the word out. Parents, caregivers,...

Our Calendar Policy

* Events not officially sponsored or organized by Safe Routes to School are marked with an asterisk. We post events that might be of interest to our SF area members; we do not necessarily endorse any particular group or perspective you may find represented here.
